Not a Guru
Click-bait headlines, fitness bros, nutrition zealots and influencers try to get us to buy into every new extreme and make us question everything. Is rice bad for me? Should I be running every day to be healthy? Do I need to worry about protein? What about Keto? Rachel Hunter is an evidence-based nutrition coach tired of the status quo. #Health isn't for people that look, eat, exercise or flex a certain way. It is not just for the beige Instagram biddies. Here to firmly plant herself in the unsexy middle ground of nuance, scientific evidence and coaching experience, Rachel will aim to demystify the world of nutrition and #wellness. No smoke and mirrors, no gimmicks, and definitely no gurus allowed just a coach committed to providing the best practical tips available. Oh, and a juicy dollop of banter to really sweeten the deal.
Not a Guru
Ep. 37 (Pt. 1) Is nutrition research f*cked? with special guest Dr. Alan Flanagan
We are flooded with outrageous-sounding information on nutrition every single day. It always seems to be people with some credentials pedalling the latest toxic and poisonous nutrients, but what are the people working in nutrition research saying? Not the chiropractors turned 'nutrition experts' and why is it that nutrition seems to be so easily misinterpreted?
Who do you believe? What do we actually need to know from nutrition research anyway?
This is part one of a two-part series with Dr Alan Flanagan who's information is listed below to get in touch.
Let me know what you think!
Dr. Alan Flanagan
Website: Alinea Educational Hub
Instagram: @Nutritional Advocate
Rachel Hunter